
Slingshot Insights takes matters of Insider Trading seriously, and our processes and tools aim to provide transparent fact based information to our members.
  • All SI members must attest that they will not engage in lines of questions that seek to extract material nonpublic information from an expert or anyone on a research project.

  • All consultants have agreed to not divulge confidential and material nonpublic information.

  • All calls are systematically recorded & transcribed on our site.

  • Our platform provides the ability for all members and external compliance officers to flag any project in which confidential information is suspected to be shared. These flags are visible to all users who are advised to trade at their discretion.

Increased Transparency, Reduced Compliance Risk
  • Material Nonpublic Information (MNPI) is less likely to be divulged in a public forum that is recorded with multiple parties in attendance

  • Slingshot calls (call recordings & transcripts) can be accessed online at any time, by anyone in the world, making them public

Slingshot Insights Explained
Are you a Compliance Officer?

Slingshot Insights provides institutional compliance officers access to our External Compliance Officer portal to facilitate transparency and assist in mitigating your firm’s risk. Want to learn more? Send us an email to

Check out our Whitepaper:

Re-examining Expert Networks: A New Perspective Authored By: Richard Marshall, former SEC enforcement branch chief Our Training:
Slingshot Insights provides access to information, not investment advice. We work to support and facilitate access to experts; however we are not responsible for monitoring calls for the disclosure of MNPI. You should obtain financial, legal and tax advice from your qualified and licensed advisers before deciding to invest in any security.